We Love What We do
We Love What We Do

Information for Employers

Supporting Providers for 15 Years

Social Care & Education Jobs are here to support you and offer you solutions to your recruitment needs, whilst also making the process easy for you. We are determined to be different, bespoke and above all passionate about what we do! Getting to know our clients culture, ethos and values is very much key to our recruitment success.

We want to be your "Trusted, Valued, Recruitment Partner"

Registered Manager owned and led, we are very passionate about the Care sector and the differences and uniqueness of the people you support. This makes your job 10 times easier as we understand the jobs you are looking to recruit for, and the importance of finding the right people with the right skills and personalities for this wonderful sector!

How do we do this? by ensuring we fully pre screen and fully interview potential candidates, we have experts on our team that have worked in the care sector or who have personal experience (and sometimes both), this means they understand the roles, the legislation and the realities of working within the Social Care and Specialist Education sectors and can interview people accordingly, confidently answering any questions or scenarios candidates may have regarding the roles or settings that they will be working in.

We promise to provide you with candidates that are Passionate, relevant, and, are able to fulfill the job vacancy which they are applying for. 

Our services and solutions are listed below and on the right handside of the page, however we can tailor our services to you, we know that one size doesnt fit all. Feel free to contact us for a no obligation chat.

See how passionate we are about what we do!