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10 ways to avoid scaring your staff away...

blog author

about 2 years ago

by Steve Vine

10 ways to avoid scaring your staff away...

10 to avoid scaring your staff into the arms of your competition.

  1. Mud sticks! if your company culture and environment stink – so will your reputation. Create a positive workplace and have positive staff.

  2. If a job’s worth doing – don’t do it yourself!Micromanaging makes people feel undervalued and undermined. Delegate effectively – and show your people you trust them.

  3. Sticking to the job spec is sticking two fingers up to your staff! Be flexible, be grown up, be human – and use the job spec as a guide, not the gospel!

  4. Ask – don’t tell! Include your people in your decision making – and help them to feel they have a stake in your business. If you freeze them out, you’ll drive them out.

  5. If they can’t grow, they’ll go! Not providing opportunities for job progression is a sure fire of keeping your staff turnover high. Give them a career path – and develop them with coaching, mentoring and training.

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